a moment of awe


This cold/flu bug thing I’ve had, since my trip to Michigan last month, has delayed everything with this blog. I’ve been anxious to blog about my trip to Michigan for over a month now. How did I end up in frigid temperature from sunny Los Angeles in the middle of January, you ask? The people over at Ford were kind enough to invite me to the

North American International Auto Show
(NAIAS), along with a few fabulous bloggers. The trip included lots of great food, a visit to the TechShop, Rouge Factory and the Henry Ford Museum (seen in this post). Like Murphy would have it, I spent most of my visit sick, and even ended up being escorted back to my hotel room after turning an unflattering shade of green. However, I did manage to have a fantastic time at the Auto Show (see pics ) and at the Henry Ford Museum, where I got to see (albeit a bit morbid) the Kennedy Limo and the Lincoln Chair. I was very touched and internalized the installations as if I had witnessed these events in history. It was that moving. Another one that got me right in the gut was the Rosa Parks Bus – Honestly had no idea this vehicle was at this museum. I stood in shock when I turned the gallery corner and saw it right before me. Again, television images and the recounted stories of this day played in my head as I sat inside what I felt was a very crammed space. I mean, how do you put the feeling of awe, sadness and pride into one beautiful articulate package of written words, really? It’s an experience I will hold close always.

Visiting the museum, prior to attending the NAIAS, really put things into perspective for me when comes to the extraordinary vision of Mr. Ford himself and why Ford is such a leader in technology and innovation. Thank you Ford for the invitation and the lovely accommodations – But most of all for offering me the opportunity to experience history, the future and the realization of dreams.


1 Ana Flores| 02.18.13 at 2:28 pm |

Beautiful pictures! I never imagined the Henry Ford Museum housed sooo much history. Loved our visit

2 Eva Smith| 02.22.13 at 11:33 am |

Love these photos! You made Henry Ford Museum come to life.

3 Lisa ~ AutismWonderland| 02.22.13 at 11:51 am |

Beautiful photos Rachel!! The museum looks really cool too. I’m going to have to show these photos to my son. He’s really into planes right now – specifically ones with two propellers.

4 Xenia| 02.22.13 at 4:18 pm |

You have such a way with photos – really love the Rosa Parks bus!!!

5 Bren Herrera @ Flanboyant Eats| 02.27.13 at 6:07 am |

I went to a really similar museum in Daytona a few years ago. I was sooo impressed by the curation of these iconic machines and “things” of the past. The Fords impressed me the most. Oh, and this one train. Perhaps I’ll pull those images out of archive and share a post! :)

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