Week in Pictures (more like 3)
Keeping my weekly wrap-up promise. Except in this case I need to wrap up three weeks because it got so crazy around here. So. Hmmm, where to begin? How about with this plate of sausage and clams?

Not only did I go to
a few weeks ago to catch up with friends and colleagues, I also celebrated my birthday with my best friend of 31 years at Black Bird Tavern in San Jose. Actually, a few friends joined us for dinner, drinks and a bit of party time. The bestie lives up in San Jose working as a Forensic Scientist, and I wish I could see her more often. She is pretty much my other half. I mean, having a friend since the 5th grade doesn’t happen that often. My son and I miss her tremendously. In fact, he’s taking a trip up to see his Godmother in a couple weeks. While I was up in NoCal, he stayed here in LA with Kevin and embarked on a bit of guy time filled with super hero movies and a fun Ford Mustang Clay Model Event, where the guys got to see a
live clay modeling demonstration.

Sports, cars and movies are on my son’s lists of interests. So much so, that he was hired to write about movies for my friend’s blog.
He’s already written several posts and is working on two this weekend. I’m proud of him for taking his favorite topic and turning it into something productive. He still has much to learn about social media and how all this works, but I do feel he’s gained an understanding of what goes into telling a story about an experience, writing and meeting deadlines! (which is a bad word in teen speak). Ya, he’s only 14. But he’s very vocal and he’s a teen with lots of opinions … so this is a perfect age to teach him the power of his words and the responsibility of maintaining an editorial calendar, which helps him with organization and accountability – A skill that is so needed in high school. I just love watching him think about how to word a particular thought or concept, and then ask “hey mom, what do you think of this paragraph?” I’m all ears.

And this adorable little one is one of the reasons why it’s been extra busy. My sister. She’s visiting from South America and we’ve been dabbling in a bit of site-seeing, art projects, trips to the salon and lots of quality time. She was born in New York but raised in Ecuador in a city called Ibarra. Over the years, I’ve talked with her on the phone, Skype, Facebook and sent her her favorite clothes from the states. The distance hasn’t been easy for me after being there for her birth. She’s always on my mind. But now I have her here and I get to spoil her in person. This is also a great experience for my son, who uses a translation app to talk to her and likes to prepare milkshakes and grilled cheese sandwiches for their lunch. Even though she’s his aunt, he loves being more like a big brother. Somehow they make the communication work. In fact, they’re in the midst of a pillow fight right now so I don’t even know if this post is making any sense anymore. How my friends with multiple kids write several posts a day is beyond me! But I love it, and can’t get enough of their laughter.

Last week, I managed to get out for a few hours to check out Latino Fashion Week. This was the best picture I was able to get as I mostly shot short videos, I love, love, love
Lazaro. I’ve admired his work for years. The fabrics, the drama, all of it … and to see his work live down the runway was breathtaking. We were invited by to capture the event. Tu Vida is a new app created by Latinos for Latinos and Latin culture aficionados and is designed in an “ask-and-answer” format so everyone can share what they’re up to with one another. My friends and I had a lot of fun navigating through the app while checking out the gowns we want to wear.
Welp, it looks like I’m going to need to wrap this up. The kids have been teaching each other tongue twisters in English and Spanish – Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal and Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers have been on repeat as I try this typing thing. Hope you guys have a great weekend. To stay in touch, follow us on . Until next week, muses!
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