” This was the perfect show for me to see after months of not being able to attend an opening. I wasn’t able to stand for very long and the vertigo (plus visual disturbances) certainly didn’t allow for art gazing. To throw on a pair of heels and look through my lens again was an absolute joy, and a privilege I will never take for granted.
On Saturday, we headed over to ThinkSpace to see Children of the Sun – A collection of work that combines innocence, fantasy and surrealism. I was in the mood for a bit of magic, optimism and limitless possibilities. It was exactly what I needed to remind myself of the child-wonder I once had when I initially pursued art. Although I love the work I do now, the painter in me will always be there. I haven’t been able to sit with an easel and a canvas in a very long time. I think the absence of it was one of the contributing factors to my TMJD disorder, as I strongly feel that creative outlets are crucial to a person’s overall well-being. For me, painting is a form of meditation, communication, and is an innate part of who I am. Sure, I’ve been able to substitute my need to create with photography but I need the smell of oils and charcoal to feel fully alive.
I’ve been thinking of ways to transform my home office into an all-things-creative space, which includes everything I need for my day job and creative passions. Stay tuned for that. In the meantime, if you’re in LA and need a dose of inspiration, check out Ana Bagayan’s work at ThinkSpace – On view until June 14.
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